Wednesday, March 23, 2016

I Choose Option #3

I've started doing this thing where I actually keep track of sleep cycles and when to go to sleep in order to wake up at what times and all that and it's going pretty great. The reason this is relevant is that apparently I have half an hour to kill before I should go to sleep, and I decided I may as well post on this blog that I'm 97% sure literally nobody reads. So here we are. 

First things first, let me tell you about my personal struggle with my laptop's "A" key. Nearly every time I press it, it either sticks, and  I get two a's, or it doesn't register that I hit it at all, and I get none. It's extremely aggravating, and quite useless. I don't even think I know any words that exist that have a double a. Except Aaron, but one of them is capitalized so it doesn't even work out. There's also a solid bar of eight lines running vertically down the entirety of my laptop screen in around a half inch range which is easily fixable by applying a small amount of pressure. Unfortunately, it's a laptop, so there's basically no way to fix that long term. #thestruggleisreal

As a slight continuation to my last post, I changed my degree (BSc in Natural Science with concentrations in Physics and Math, ooOo) and might be able to get into that architecture minor/possibly do internshippy stuff this summer which could be interesting. Either way, I'm pretty sure I'm either going to be graduating next year, doing a semester or two abroad, or taking an extra year to do the minor. Or maybe I'll just drop out and cry all the time, I've heard that's also an option.