Tuesday, June 19, 2012

Toenail Clippings and Raindrops on the Skylight

So many damn feelings, nearly all of them being self centered and whiny and confusing and all those other terribly annoying typical things. So many choices to make, people to talk to, things to look over, to consider, decide upon, reject, accept, work for, plan for, worry about, do.

One more year.
Just one more fucking year.

Sunday, June 17, 2012

Wash Away, Wash Away

Those people who you can do anything with and it doesn't matter because you mesh together so well you could do anything and be okay? Those are the people that matter. Sometimes it's yourself. Doing silly things because fuck you I can. Like building sandcastle cities at night in the rain by myself. Perfection.

Wednesday, June 13, 2012

Talk of Stubbornness, But You're Just Passionate

When you're happy, it's contagious. I mean seriously contagious. My whole life, I've never met someone who's emotions carried as much as yours do.

I wonder what people are like when they're alone.
Maybe we're all the same, but nobodies willing to admit it.

Sunday, June 10, 2012

To Think We Pay Attention is a Common Misconception

Don't have anything interesting to talk about woooooooooooooooop.

Had company over last night. It was pretty boring. Did a shitload of chores. Fun stuff, right? Studied a bit, even crazier.

Shmeh. I never have any motivation  on Sundays.

Hamartithia - Being likely to make a mistake

Friday, June 8, 2012

Door Punching Silliness

Today was great, and then I got some news that kind of just sent everything to shit. Then just got really frustrated and ended up denting a door. Woops. It WAS pretty satisfying though, not going to lie.
Anyways, there's good things and bad things and things in-between right now, but overall, I think I'm alright. Finding excellent new music tends to help with that, thankfully.

On another note, haven't done one of these in a while;

Agerasia - The state of looking younger than one actually is.

Tuesday, June 5, 2012

Charismatic Bullshiting

I apologize for how monotonous this blog might seem, but that's how I think most of the time, so you'll live. You could always just not read it at all haha.

The past two days have been.. so very confusing.. and frustrating.. and just... ahg. Why can't things be easier for once? You mess with my head like no other, that's for sure. I'd say I just think too much, but that's not true. It's partially true! But not completely.

It's only six thirty. Why am I so sleepy?

Sunday, June 3, 2012

Cookies, Trains, and a Lack of Motivation.

      Motivation has apparently been eluding me lately, so thankfully I got a bit of stuff done today. Studied for chemistry and am currently in the process of baking cookies. Life is confusing. Good, but confusing.

     I walked down to the other lake, and was sitting by the train tracks. A train came by, and I realized how easy it would be to just... jump in front of the train. How easy it would be to die, how easy it would be to fuck up that train drivers life. I realized how fragile things are, I guess, and how selfish humanity is. People are willing to fuck things up for other people, so long as they don't fuck themselves up too. Don't worry, I'm not going to jump in front of any trains or anything; it just got me thinking is all.

     I'm supposed to be drawing things. I was almost done one, and then my computer decided to spontaneously restart and I lost pretty much all of it except the initial sketch I had done, which is the easy part. Bleh. I really do need to get them done, but I think it might have to wait until school's done. We'll see. Just about the only thing that would change me waiting is a sudden boost of drawing motivation, which is highly unlikely. Sorry. Anyways, back to cookies.