Tuesday, August 21, 2012

Something New Would Be Nice

So. It's a Tuesday night.

Maybe it's just me, but does anyone else ever feel like they're waiting to be found? 
Or find something?
I just mean maybe there's something I'm supposed to do
or someone I'm supposed to meet
and it's all just waiting for the right moment
and then everything will fall into place.

Then again, I guess nothing ever really just "falls into place", does it?

Maybe I'm waiting for something to fall out of place.

Psithurism - The sound of the wind in the trees

Monday, August 20, 2012

I Remind Myself That Things Could Be Much Worse

After a year, it's finally over. Completely over. Forever.
Surprisingly, I'm actually relieved. Sad of course, but.. a good sad.  A healing sort of sad.

Awww yeah.

Next year will probably amount to a hell of a lot less then I want it to, but you know what, I don't even care anymore. Gotta go talk to some lady about changing my classes soon. We shall see how that goes. What the hell do I want to do with my life anyways? Some sort of design. Industrial design maybe. Architecture? Goodness. Any suggestions?

Summer's sort of almost over-ish  I suppose? Got a few weeks left. I'm relieved to just be done with work. Even though as soon as it's over I'm probably going to be working at getting a job for the winter too. Hopefully that one will make me want to hurt people less... heh.

Went for coffee today, twas good.Talked about stuff.

Wow I actually really like being in my room. It's pretty nice.

Good luck, everyone.

Tuesday, August 14, 2012

Everything Stops Suddenly

I guess it's been a little while, hm? Sometimes I feel like I ought to write and I usually do have things to write about, but somehow always end up convincing myself that either those things are boring, don't need to be talked about, or I realize I'm lazy and don't feel like typing. Theeeeen the guilt kicks in (not really) and I write! As was tonight.

So, things have been odd lately I suppose. It's strange how sometimes people that used to mean everything suddenly don't seem to matter much at all. Ah well, people come and go, c'est la vie.

My cousin and aunt have recently moved in with us for the next few months to work. That's also moderately strange. So many women. Goodness. Also, I have a thing about calling my relatives aunts and uncles. I don't like to, that is. Ever since I was little, I'd just call them by their names. Not sure why. Does anyone else feel like it's really odd when cousins call your parents aunt or uncle? No? Just me? Alright.

Anyways, the past two nights have been pretty good. Lightning/shooting star watching and then dinner with a bunch of people I haven't seen for rather large amounts of time? Doesn't sound bad to me (It wasn't, either).

Meh. It's kind of terrible having to continuously do something I find absolutely appalling over and over again while knowing I missed a chance to be able to do something better. But as I said, such is life.

Concilliable - A secret meeting of people who are hatching a plot