Monday, August 20, 2012

I Remind Myself That Things Could Be Much Worse

After a year, it's finally over. Completely over. Forever.
Surprisingly, I'm actually relieved. Sad of course, but.. a good sad.  A healing sort of sad.

Awww yeah.

Next year will probably amount to a hell of a lot less then I want it to, but you know what, I don't even care anymore. Gotta go talk to some lady about changing my classes soon. We shall see how that goes. What the hell do I want to do with my life anyways? Some sort of design. Industrial design maybe. Architecture? Goodness. Any suggestions?

Summer's sort of almost over-ish  I suppose? Got a few weeks left. I'm relieved to just be done with work. Even though as soon as it's over I'm probably going to be working at getting a job for the winter too. Hopefully that one will make me want to hurt people less... heh.

Went for coffee today, twas good.Talked about stuff.

Wow I actually really like being in my room. It's pretty nice.

Good luck, everyone.

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