Thursday, July 28, 2011


I would apologize for not posting, but you probably don't care, and I'm not really that sorry anyways. I didn't really have anything to write about, and if I did write, it probably would have been not very pleasant, but I have good news, so rejoice!

 I feel better than I've felt.. well, pretty much all summer, to be honest with you. I finally feel... like I'm actually comfortable being myself, rather than just looking like I do. I suppose it's kind of hard to explain.
I feel like I finally have a chance for things to go right, not just... fall apart, only for me to realize things were really never like I thought they we're in the first place, but it's different now. I've got this whole "new outlook" thing going on, and it's pretty nice (Yes, I do realize how horribly lame that sounds). I can't even really put a finger on why i feel like I've changed so much, but I like it. I feel like there's finally something I can try to accomplish that's actually plausible and/or possible. Nice.

Moving on, I cut off a large amount of my hair. It's... well, to be honest, it's lovely and I love it. I'm actually so glad I cut it off, although it's still kind of strange when I realize it's gone. But I rather like it, so huzzah! All I need to do now is go on a serious shopping escapade. New hair calls for new clothes, obviously! Heh. There I go being a female.

Tuesday, July 19, 2011

I'll Pass on the Grandchildren

I'm glad you mentioned that. You just made me feel less like an annoying little girl and more like... someone actually somewhat awesome. Which is pretty nice! Having friends is nice. People are nice. Sometimes. Rice is nice. Although unless it has peanut butter on it, I don't like rice at all, so I guess it's not.

It's thundering right now. I have the next book in the series I'm reading, I have the ingredients to make a London Fog, and I have my fuzzy blanket. Life is pretty damn good! All I need is someone to share my blanket with!
... like that's going to happen.        ._.

But enough of randomly pessimistic Michelle! I'm off to find something to eat, make my tea, and read with a cat sitting on my feet. I must say, I sound rather Grandma-esque. All I need is a few more cats, a walker, cookies, and some grandchildren! Ill pass on the grandchildren and walker, but the cookies and cats don't sound too bad, if I do say so myself. Which I do. And you can't do anything about it. Hopefully.

Monday, July 18, 2011

Be my Jake?


 So, hey, people that may or may not be reading this. Actually, if you aren't reading this, no hello for you. You don't deserve it! D:<

Anyways, unfortunately, sadly, tragically, etc... blog posting will once again be minimal until further notice (Further notice being once the Nano-Fiber guys get off their asses and hook up the internet). Sigh. Ah well, all in good time. Whatever that means. Good time. What's bad time? Who decides whats good time and whats bad time? AUGGGGH MY BRAAAIIINNNN.

Anyways, just so all you people know, the new Adventure Time episode comes out today.
Best show ever. Someone once told me that they would be my Jake any day, and it kind of made my life. who wouldn't want a Jake? A best friend forever who you can do anything with and have awesome adventures and parties and make sandwiches together, and solve mysteries, and, and, and.. you get the point.

Well, I'm currently being dragged away from the computer, so farewell, have a good day, and all those other things people say when they're going away.