Thursday, July 28, 2011


I would apologize for not posting, but you probably don't care, and I'm not really that sorry anyways. I didn't really have anything to write about, and if I did write, it probably would have been not very pleasant, but I have good news, so rejoice!

 I feel better than I've felt.. well, pretty much all summer, to be honest with you. I finally feel... like I'm actually comfortable being myself, rather than just looking like I do. I suppose it's kind of hard to explain.
I feel like I finally have a chance for things to go right, not just... fall apart, only for me to realize things were really never like I thought they we're in the first place, but it's different now. I've got this whole "new outlook" thing going on, and it's pretty nice (Yes, I do realize how horribly lame that sounds). I can't even really put a finger on why i feel like I've changed so much, but I like it. I feel like there's finally something I can try to accomplish that's actually plausible and/or possible. Nice.

Moving on, I cut off a large amount of my hair. It's... well, to be honest, it's lovely and I love it. I'm actually so glad I cut it off, although it's still kind of strange when I realize it's gone. But I rather like it, so huzzah! All I need to do now is go on a serious shopping escapade. New hair calls for new clothes, obviously! Heh. There I go being a female.

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