Sunday, September 4, 2011

Snoring Cat

It's nice when best friends disregard you, isn't it?
Ah well, I guess I saw that coming anyways.

So. I haven't written in a while. Lets think of things to blab about, shall we?

Hmm. I said a lot of goodbyes on Thursday. It was... an oddity. It made me think about when I'll be the one people are saying goodbye to. It was strange.

On another note, there's someone I'd like to say hello to. Even though I talk to them like, every day anyways (That was me throwing in some tricky mind games that really aren't all that tricky, just to make sure we're all on the same page here). Anyways, I'm not sure if I'm dreading seeing this person at school, or looking forward to it. Maybe both, I'm cool like that.

School on Tuesday (You're welcome, Lieutenant Sarcasm). Bleurg. I hope there's some cool new people or something, because at the moment there's a saddening lack of those around. 'Specially with people moving away to go to Universities and things like that (no names mentioned).

Sweet chicken tenders I have the coolest shoes.

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