Monday, May 28, 2012

Rollercoastering to Maybe-land

It's been a few weeks since I've last posted. I guess life's just been kind of... rollercoastering(?) around. Today was good. We've got the play all day for the next two days, which should be... interesting? I swear, these days drama class seems more like Jersey Shore than a theatre class. Usually it's fairly easy to escape though, so we're good.

I'm having mixed feelings about this school year ending... I think I honestly don't want it to end more than I do want it to end. As much as I enjoy the summer, it's going to mean long periods of time alone or working. Plus quite a few of the people I actually look forward to seeing are graduating this year. Ah well. I'll be leaving too, eventually. To be fair, I'm having mixed feelings about a lot of things lately, but that's how it goes, right? As I said, rollercoastering.

I like posting on this old blog thing.
Maybe I should work on doing it more often...
Maybe once exams are done?
Maybe when I've got the time?
Maybe when I have something to write about?

Seems that's all anything is these days. One great big old maybe.

"My songs..
 lately haha
 Have been uhh

Monday, May 7, 2012

Dreams Up

I guess it's about time for a new post.
I don't think really have a lot to say at the moment O:

I was nominated for MC'ing at the Grad Ceremonies. I think I'd like to do it, but I doubt enough people would actually vote for me. Ah well, we'll see!

Also there's that mural thing we had to design for art. I think it'd be pretty cool if my design got picked for that too, but as you may have noticed, I don't like to get my hopes up often xD

Ah and I guess I deleted my Facebook and Tumblr (moderately) permanently as well.

Other than that not a lot is new.

I mean, there's this one kid, but you don't need to know about him. Pretty sure anybody that's vaguely interested already does. :P I seem to have a habit of liking the most inconvenient people. Oh well.

Anyways, farewell for meow.