Thursday, September 26, 2013

Have I Ever Even Tried Chipotle?

So hey guys life's pretty good and stuff. Actually though!

I found out I got an entrance scholarship for $1,250 from U of C, so put together with the other ones I got from DTSS I pretty much don't have to pay for school this year. Haven't completely done the math yet, so I could be home free. Either way it's pretty awesome. Not sure who reads this blog that lives in invermere still, but I won't be home for thanksgiving. I also have a physics midterm on my birthday so that's really nice (yes, that statement is dripping with sarcasm).

I've been having really weird dreams lately and, on a (probably) unrelated note, too many assignments due like every dayyyy. Webassign can suck my dick. Lyrix can suck my dick, and 'Pearson'whateverthefuckmycalculusclassusestosubmitassignmentsiscalled can also suck my dick.

Apart from that though, it's nice. I finally got my bed moved into my room and have a desk in there, so I have somewhere to do my work with music and space and stuff, which is really awesome, plus it reminds me a lot of my room at home now, which is kinda nice.

And as a final goodbye (for this post, at least), let me tell you that I just ate the best fucking sandwich of my life. Because I did, and it was beautiful.

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