Tuesday, November 15, 2011

My Brain is a Retard

I feel like I'm not one person. I don't really know how the hell I'm supposed to explain this, but I'm going to try. Not to say I'm bipolar or anything (Well, I don't think I am..), it's just that I feel like there's a billion different people trapped inside me, and I'm trying to find the one I'm supposed to be. Narrowing it down has been easy enough I suppose, almost like a game. The difficult part now, is that all these different people that are still left inside me want to do different things with my life, and I still haven't decided which of them I'm going to try and be. Keep in  mind I'm not talking personalities, I'm talking different people, Which may seem slightly contradictory (or completely absurd), but it makes sense in my brain, mostly. I think "personality" is just another word for soul, and thankfully I know exactly who I am in that department. I really don't know why I'm posting this, or even bothering to attempt to explain it for that matter, but you probably get the just of it. Or not. It's kind of irrelevant, really.

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