Sunday, February 26, 2012

Something and Someone

I want to say something that will mean something to someone, something they will go home and think about, wonder what it meant, why it was said, what hidden meaning there might be behind it. I want to say something someone will agree with in awe, amazed that something could be said to so perfectly coincide with what they feel about some idea or concept or thought. I want to say something that makes you see something in a different way, under an unfamiliar light, bright and pure and distinctive and new. I want to say something that opens doors to new ideas, new thoughts, new everything. I want to say something that could change someone completely but in all honesty only so much that they are able to find something out about themselves, to feel that distinctive gratifying feeling of knowing yourself. I want to say something that will mean something to someone.

I just don't have anything to say.

Sunday, February 19, 2012


Alright so this week wasn't too bad, all things considered. This weekend turned out alright too, considering all the plans I had fell through again. I painted my nails today and they look kind of like space or something so that's fuuuuun. I also skyped with an exchange student whom I hadn't talked to since they left, so that was nice too. Oh, and I talked to you for five hours. Still not sure what that's all about, but I have to admit, it was, as you put it, "the most gnarly facebook convo ever".

Haven't spiked my hurr forever. Might do that tomorrow. Don't know why I'm talking about that on here, but alright?

I need to pick up some blank CD's.

Tarantism - A psychological illness characterized by an extreme impulse to dance, believed (In the 1400-1600's) to be caused by the bite of a tarantula

Wednesday, February 15, 2012

Partially Abderian

Today was an odd day. It was like... everything happened in either really concentrated or diluted amounts. I was mildly put off by the fact I didn't get to see you, however.

I also had another laugh attack, in drama class this time. I think that's the fourth time that's happened? Iunno. Entertaining I guess? o:

Anyways, I hope things are more regular tomorrow.

I also hope my schedule isn't all messed up for long, it's getting to be really annoying..

Agelast - A person who never/rarely laughs

Saturday, February 11, 2012

The Dude

"The way Jimmy spoke the name made you realize that this was the way it was meant to be spoken - in awe and fear and dumb, sub-literate rapture. You should be shitting yourself, Jimmy conveyed, at the idea of the Lord. You should be rolling around the floor in convulsions - it's only right. It is appropriate. You should be swallowing your tongue in a seizure. The Lord was awesome and terrible. He was pure power. This was the Dude who smashed the planet between his hands and pushed up the mountains, exploding them like zits between His fingertips. The was the Guy who turned the earth into one boiling ocean when he was finally fed up with all our crap. Who begat dinosaurs and the bubonic plague. This Guy. Him. And what's worse, what's most terrifying of all? Dude loves you. He loves you like a psycho girlfriend. Endlessly, obsessively, for no good reason. Dude will stalk you to the ends of the earth."

- The Antagonist, Lynn Coady

Thursday, February 9, 2012

Noodle Poodle

Qualtagh - The first individual person one sees after leaving their house

Unless it's the weekend, mines usually the bust driver...
I hope being ditzy isn't contagious.

Wednesday, February 8, 2012

Moderately Mellow Mornings May Mute Marbles wat


... Excited Michelle is excited.
I'm drawing a kitty in art. Socute. with charcoal ugghhh so much smudginnnggg
.. HEYWOAH my cat's name is smudge and I'm drawing a cat which will have smudges this is like smudgeception WHAT IS THIS WIZARDY

Today was entertaining. Drama is still odd though. Drama club's not. But the actual class is. Goooodneesss why must you  be like that?


That definitely made my night. This has been an awfully animated post o: Anyways, off to clean my room. AGAIN. Why can I not grasp the concept of NOT THROWING CLOTHES EVERYWHERE? -.-

Mytacism - The incorrect or excessive use of the letter "m"

Monday, February 6, 2012


Do you ever just get the urge to use irrationally large and/or unusual words?
I get that a lot. Especially in arguments! There's something about having excellent vocabulary that makes you feel intimidating.

And so, I've decided that every day I shall share a new word at the end of each post. If I get lazy, the word might be the entire post. Or not. Just... be prepared, okay?
This mysterious group of letters might have something to do with my life or how I feel about something, or it might just be really effing great. We shall see.

                               Bombliate - To hum or buzz loudly/continuously

.. Oh, and Makayla's sleeping again. :)

Sunday, February 5, 2012

Fancy Restaurants With Three Forks and Knives

The past two days I've felt so incredibly empty. Not sad or depressed, just empty.
I just feel like I'm missing something, and I don't know where I'm supposed to find it.
I guess that's what having nothing to do when you're alone does!

Ah well, the next few days should be nice.

I want to paint something.