Sunday, February 26, 2012

Something and Someone

I want to say something that will mean something to someone, something they will go home and think about, wonder what it meant, why it was said, what hidden meaning there might be behind it. I want to say something someone will agree with in awe, amazed that something could be said to so perfectly coincide with what they feel about some idea or concept or thought. I want to say something that makes you see something in a different way, under an unfamiliar light, bright and pure and distinctive and new. I want to say something that opens doors to new ideas, new thoughts, new everything. I want to say something that could change someone completely but in all honesty only so much that they are able to find something out about themselves, to feel that distinctive gratifying feeling of knowing yourself. I want to say something that will mean something to someone.

I just don't have anything to say.

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