Sunday, July 15, 2012

In Other Words, a Sorry Tale

I wish something would happen.
Everything has just kind of... stopped lately.
It's weird.

It's funny how you hide things from yourself. Like when you know something is going to happen, or not happen, and you just don't let yourself believe it. Then when it finally happens or doesn't, it's like you're all surprised and upset, even though you knew it was coming so you shouldn't be. So next time, you try warning yourself; expect the worse, expect the worse, expect the worse. But you hold on to the slippery edge of belief that it'll all go the way you want it to (which usually doesn't seem to happen). Never seems to help with the disappointment though, so maybe we should just keep hoping. Something's going to go right eventually.

Wanweird - An unhappy fate (Good one, right?)

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