Wednesday, November 28, 2012

Headaches and Strange Thoughts and Annoyances Oh My!

I wonder what would happen if I just stopped doing things. If I just didn't do anything at all except my school work, and then just sat at home doing homework and never talked to anyone but my parents and never went anywhere. Sometimes I want to. It just seems easier sometimes, in a terrible sort of way.

I'm quite tired this evening.

I hate Wednesdays.

Panacea - a solution for all problems

Monday, November 26, 2012

Thirteen Dollars

Ugh I really just don't like butterscotch pudding. Or most things butterscotch, for that matter.

Anyways, today was alright. Wasn't overly eventful, but that's alright.

I need to buy a dress if I want to go to winter formal. If.
Maybe... I'll see if I can find a dress and if I can't find one I want then I just won't go. Simple as that! Problem solved. For meow.

My leg is really iiitcchhyyyyy


Honestly school can go hitchhike to Alaska because it's terrible.

I don't want to have to get home and have four more hours of math work every night.
I mean, I know it could be worse but meh.

On a better note, shake n bake chicken for dinner again. Yiiisss.

Chatoyant - Like a cat's eye

Thursday, November 22, 2012

I Hope Your Team Lost

Watermelon is a nice flavour.
I want more fishes in my aquarium. Although I do like the obese one I have now too.
Darwin Deeeeezz get out of my brain
Or don't, I guess.

I hate that feeling where almost everything seems bland. If you know what I'm talking about, you'll know that it's just... pretty bland. But some things have been pretty alight so no sads for that.

My parents got back today, so that was nice. I like my parents. And my cat.
And peaches.

I don't really feel like writing this anymore!

Cachinnation - Loud or hysterical laughter 

Monday, November 19, 2012

Just... Get On My Bed.

Dear Cat

         I love you dearly. I enjoy the fact that for some reason you actually consent to being my little spoon at night when I am cold and in need of kitten cuddles. However. I really, really do not enjoy when you nose around my dresser and knock over the bottle of nail polish remover and spill it directly onto myself, my bed, and my lap top. Not cool. I now have two less blankets available for my use, and my room smells like death. I also don't want to even know how much of that stuff got absorbed into my leg. I swear to glob, if you poisoned me, cat... But I digress. Please, just... stop sticking your nose everywhere. You are a cat. Go sleep on my bed. Stop being interested in things. Seriously.
                                                                                               Sincerely, I'm now no longer wearing pants.


Monday, November 5, 2012

Eyebrow Squats

So, we meet again. 

As I sit hunched over on my bed in the dark attempting to type without my glasses are, I realize it's been a while since I've posted. I also realize this is incredibly uncomfortable and my eyes already feel like dying not one third into this post. If you havent listened to the song linked into the first sentence of this post, I really suggest you do. Anyways, carrying on.

So, I guess I ought to relay some past events to you all! I've been drawing really random things! Like this and this and this. Fun stuff. Also made a pretty decent Sheik cosplay which I shall improve upon for Comic Expo. Yeah... not really sure what else there is to say about the past while.

I'm going to go live at Ms. Noga's house on the Wednesday for a week or so as my parents are travelling to Hawaii. I look forward to baking cookies and making shake n' bake chicken and jam sessions and whatever other things we shall do. Wheeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeee

Ugh my eyebrows hurt from squinting, so goodnight.