Saturday, October 22, 2011

I Apologize in Advance for My Language

Can you please grow the fuck up? You honestly fucking ruin everything for me... All the time. I hate this. I don't try to ask for much, but you and your fucking little problems just mess everything up. You honestly don't seem to care. It's all about you, always fucking has been. Maybe you don't realize how much you affect our entire family with your self centered life, but you do. Maybe try getting some values. I just find it so hard to believe that you haven't grown up at all! Seriously... Yeah, I know it's not completely your fault, I know dad gets pissed at you pretty fucking easily, but maybe if you weren't such an self absorbed ass, it wouldn't happen in the first place. You have no idea the shit I put up with, but maybe if you realized how your actions can affect other people, I wouldn't have to be writing this crap that I'm never going to say to your face because I know it would just make matters worse. Oh, and I still love you and what not. I just wish you could grow up and see what you're doing to our family. To me. But whatever, I'll just deal with it like I always do. I mean what else can I do, it's been nineteen years, and you obviously haven't figured it out yet. Then everyone tells me their problems, I feel like I'm the fucking family shrink. I know what everyone needs to do, but of course it's not my place to tell them, because they'd probably just get pissed off and go all "you wouldn't understand!". You'd be surprised how much you understand when you have all the sides of the story. You'd also be surprised how you can usually trace the entire problem back to one egocentric person. Not that I'm saying my family is one huge disaster zone, it's usually pretty alright. You just have a tendency to piss everyone off.

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