Sunday, October 2, 2011

Suddenly Stumps

I realize I haven't posted in a while. This is due to a few different things, the first of which that I really don't have a lot to talk about. Actually, I sort of do, but it's nothing I really feel the need to do so on this here, although I guess that's sort of the point of a blog anyways.

Second of all, I've been working, but to be honest that's hardly an excuse. Besides, I've only got three shifts left until I'm free! Haaaallelujah!

Thirdly, every time I go to write something, I just get stumped. (Who the hell came up with the word stumped, anyways? Think about it. You get... stumped? Really? I just see someone doing something then suddenly BAM. A stump.) Anyways, I end up writing maybe two sentences, then I realize nobody cares and I don't really have anything interesting to say that won't involve me complaining about things that don't really matter in the least. :D

So, in lieu of apologetic cupcakes, I've decided to try and post more often. Maybe even once a day! But we'll see how that goes. I wouldn't expect much, but you never know. ^-^

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