Sunday, September 23, 2012

Expect the Best, Accept the Worst

You know what? I feel so much better. To be quite honest, I was a tad skeptical about the whole "LETS PUT DOWN ALL OF THE FEELINGS AND LET PEOPLE READ THEM YAY" But it all turned out better than expected. It would seem that the crazy missing just... doesn't happen anymore. Not to the same extent, by any means. I don't think about him nearly as much anymore and it's just so damn great! I just.. it all seemed like such bullshit (the holding feelings in thing and how letting them out helps or whatever) But it worked, by golly, it worked! Now I'm actually moderately happy. And I am pretty sure I get to go to wordfest. Which is really exciting. Also, I am currently listening to some early punk sort of musics. Pretty enjoyable. You kind of are too if you actually listen to them music links i put in sometimes. Now if you'll excuse me, I should probably do some physics and math and then maybe a bit of physics and english and then also probably some math. Just in  case :3

I look forward to writing at you again soon.

Aeolist - A pompous bore who pretends to have inspiration

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