Sunday, September 30, 2012

I am the Limping Master

So, as some of you may have heard, I sprained my ankle on wednesday.
I went to the hospital and all that jazz (because it was about the size of a golf ball- keeping in mind i have relatively small ankles) but as was suspected, twas only a sprain and I carried on without crutches because "Crutches are for the weak!". Anyways, being pretty much healed and able to walk without much trouble due to a device known as an "Ankle immobilizer", I thought I was just on my merry way back to the land of not having to limp! That was, until saturday rolled around aaand I fell down some stairs and sprained my OTHER ankle. Never in my entire life have I broken or sprained a single thing, then twice in one week. Honestly. This one's all sprained and swollen above my ankle, where the previous one was below. Now the old one's just all.. horrifically bruised looking. The whole ordeal is quite frustrating, but I suppose it could have been worse. Hopefully I will be walking without the assistance of crutches tomorrow.
Goodness, if I keep going at this rate I'm going to need a wheelchair by thursday.

Runcation - The act of weeding 

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