Monday, December 17, 2012

I Just Want To Sit on the Couch and Play BMO

If you look really closely at butterflies, they're actually kind of ugly.

There's something about nice socks that's just really... nice. Just... when you find a pair of matching socks you completely forgot you had and they fit perfectly and there's no holes and it's like they're brand new all over again BUT YOU ONLY HAD TO BUY THEM ONCE, it's awesome. Maybe it's just notable to me because I'm really skilled at losing socks and not having matching pairs and just not having overly nice socks anymore. I don't know. In case you're wondering, yes that did happen this morning.

Yeaah if you could just get out of my life, sickness, that'd be great.

Sometimes I'm about to write about something but then I get sort of a deja vu feeling and then I look back and realize I already wrote it and it makes me wonder about how often I do that in conversations I'm having with people. Sorry if I do that.

Wednesday, December 12, 2012

Pineapple is Better Than Yellow

Ugh I wish some things just weren't how they were, you know?

Apart from that, though, I AM pretty excited about a few things! The schools letting me take both theatre aaand art next semester which is actually pretty awesome! It means I'll have art for the first while, then halfway through I'll have art and drama alternating blocks, then nearer to the end of the year I'll have just theatre. SO FREAKING EXCITED YES. I think if I had been forced to make the choice between art and drama I actually would have chosen drama. Maybe. I still can't even decide so I'm glad I didn't have to.

I had a mathematics test today as well, on logarithms. I.. I think it went pretty good? But it's hard to tell with math tests. HOPEFULLY it went dand-ily. I also went to a friends house after school and discovered I don't not like lasagna so much as I used to! Also cartoons. ^^ Theeen I went home and made myself pan fried hamburgers for dinner and then a strawberry whip-cream sundae for dessert. I love cooking when I'm home alone for some reason. Learning the Fountain Fairy Theme on ze piano is also going pretty well. Anyways, not a whole lot of other things happened today so I guess that's all for this post.

Sunday, December 9, 2012

I Need to Learn How to Life

Sometimes I wish I could just fast forward through Sundays.
I suppose it's kind of nice not having to do anything, but I get terribly restless and think too much and get frustrated with my life because there's nothing else to do.

Doing homework actually makes me feel good about my life or something. It's like, hey, I can actually do something mildly productive! But then I don't because I'm still a pitiful lazy fuck.


Actually, I do have something nice to write about.
I felt really pretty today. So, um. That was nice.

ALSO Thursday I'm going out for coffee/lunch and whatever with Caleb and Adam, whom I haven't seen for a long time, so I'm excited about that. Just like old times! Almost.. heh. Anyway, that should be nice.

Songs That Cause Tears

I'm still a terrible person for my secret plethora of reasons.

I don't talk to people about things much anymore, really. It's just easier to be flexible about everything that way... nobody's going to remind you of something contradictory you said or anything. I mean, there's one or two people I'm closer to that I might discuss things with, but discussion is entirely different than just confiding in someone.

I'm comfortable being solitary but at the same time I'm incredibly lonely-and yet nearly everyone annoys me. That's a mildly inconvenient way of dealing with things, brain. Although I'm fairly sure I know why I think that way and it's probably a good thing after all, it's still a bit aggravating. My brain's weird about a lot of things.. like alarm clocks and microwave times and not liking watching music videos.

Lastly, I really wish you didn't do that. You have this knack of making me wish I could learn how to properly go away.

Wednesday, December 5, 2012


I think I'm a terrible person sometimes, but then I guess I come to terms with it

I miss talking to you. I miss thinking about you. I mean, I still think about you often enough, but I miss thinking about you and it not making my heart hurt. I wish I didn't have a million fucking emotions all the time. Seriously brain, make some decisions or come to some conclusions or SOMETHING for the love of Glob.

I have so many things I'm supposed to be doing and none of them involve writing a blog post.

Guess I'd better get back to drawing those characters and writing those Physics responses and studying that other Physics stuff and doing that Math homework and writing that English thing.

At least band practice went okay. I really need time to practice singing on a microphone though, it's so strange. Ugh.