Wednesday, December 12, 2012

Pineapple is Better Than Yellow

Ugh I wish some things just weren't how they were, you know?

Apart from that, though, I AM pretty excited about a few things! The schools letting me take both theatre aaand art next semester which is actually pretty awesome! It means I'll have art for the first while, then halfway through I'll have art and drama alternating blocks, then nearer to the end of the year I'll have just theatre. SO FREAKING EXCITED YES. I think if I had been forced to make the choice between art and drama I actually would have chosen drama. Maybe. I still can't even decide so I'm glad I didn't have to.

I had a mathematics test today as well, on logarithms. I.. I think it went pretty good? But it's hard to tell with math tests. HOPEFULLY it went dand-ily. I also went to a friends house after school and discovered I don't not like lasagna so much as I used to! Also cartoons. ^^ Theeen I went home and made myself pan fried hamburgers for dinner and then a strawberry whip-cream sundae for dessert. I love cooking when I'm home alone for some reason. Learning the Fountain Fairy Theme on ze piano is also going pretty well. Anyways, not a whole lot of other things happened today so I guess that's all for this post.

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