Thursday, April 26, 2012

Surprise Me With Anticipation

As I sit here this morning with my cold glass of 2% milk and my strange breakfast of pork tenderloin and sour cream, I realize I'm happy. I'm excited, I'm nervous, I'm anticipating. Then I realized that often, anticipation is one of the greatest feelings. That not-quite-sure-what's-going-to-happen-but-you-know-it's-gonna-be-something-awesome feeling. It's pretty much better than the event itself sometimes. And... I think that's okay. I'm alright with that. Besides, surprises are fun too, and then the event is definitely better because hey, you had no idea it was gonna happen. But even then there's that rush of anticipation as soon as you find out what the surprise it, before you can partake in said surprise. Iunno. I just think anticipation is a good feeling.

Tuesday, April 17, 2012

I Don't Need No Keys

To give a brief account of my crappy day, I got to school, went to first block, went to the hospital alone because I'm turning into a zombie ( burn got infected), sat on a hospital bed for two hours alone apart from two people coming in and somebody giving me a prescription and dressing my wound, finally started to realize how severe my social anxiety can get when told I would have to bring paperwork to work to get them to pay for my costs, went and got my prescription, payed for everything myself because I can't go talk to work about it, actually got a ride back to school with Caleb, which was nice as I was still sort of freaking out, went to drama, came home on the bus, house was locked, spare key was gone, went around the house taking all the screens off the lower windows trying to find one that was unlocked (to no avail), finally went and got a ladder, took the screen off my window, opened it and crawled into my room. Oh, and all of this was happening in the rain. And now I have a headache.
Ah well, all things considered I'm in a fairly good mood.

Friday, April 13, 2012

Happiness Doesn't Have To Be Brief

I just realized I'm legitimately happy. Like, dance around the house while cooking spontaneous delicious dinners and listening to excellent music happy. Or write crazy stories about "my people" happy. (my brain is odd :3)

"You would make such an interesting life partner."

One of the best compliments I've ever gotten. I hope I do.

The Story of my People

Let me tell you the story of my people. One day long long ago there was a flood of grape drank. The grape drank was so very grape that everyone started turning purple, untill a banana man appeared on top of a floating glacier of harry potter books. The banana man declared that everyone should be able to taste the taste of stale butter so he took my purple people onto his harry potter barge, and they sailed away. After not an entirely long amount of time they arrived in Peurto Penasco, which at that time was the home of the worlds stalest butter, and declared the land to be theirs but some mexicans showed up and kicked them out so they kept sailing untill they arrived on a secret island and the banana man died from butter poisoning. On the secret island there was so much icecream. So much of it. So much, in fact, that the purple people became coloured like different flavours of icecream, except some of them were still purple because they were grape icecream. Then they started eating all of the icecream and after 2,000,000,000 minutes they had eaten every last drop of the magically still frozen icecream. It was then that they discovered that the secret island was actually a turtle who had obtained the icecream to stay cool, so obviously he was kind of pissed off when they ate it all, and he demanded they sacrifice the oldest person who was missing a limb in their community. So old Mr. Chewdluer had to go. Thankfully the turtle wasn't going to eat him though, he just wanted someone who was missing a limb to keep him company because he thought people with disabilities were interesting, and he didn't really like children all that much, so everything turned out alright. Nobody else liked Mr.Chewdluer anyways because they all said he smelled like strange bagels (Which was partially true). Anyways, as the turtle was still not entirely impressed with anyone, he swam to land and kicked everybody off. Turned out they were in holland now, and there were no mexicans to kick them out! Just a lot of dutch people who were constantly baking cakes that looked like cats and trying to sell them for sexual favours (sometimes this was effective). After a week of walking through holland, my people arrived at a waterfall of clouds. As they cautiously approached this strange phenomenon, a herd of yellow pegasi galloped out of the surrounding forest and swept them onto their backs as they flew into the sky. Suddenly everyone was wearing propeller beanies, but that was irrelevant. The pegasus herd flew them to a new land that appeared to be filled with giant dull, rusty potato peelers.They told them they needed to clean the largest potato peeler they could find and bring it back to the pegasi when they were finished. After twelve fortnights, the potato peeler was perfected. Not one area had a speck of rust or dirt, and the blade had been sharpened to perfection. Unfortunately all of the grape icecream people had mysteriously died by this point. They brought the peeler back to the herd who congragulated them, and then proceded to eat it. Then they swept them back onto their winged backs and brought them to another new land; Canada. In canada they prospered in their boring, dull lives filled with meticulous tasks untill they happened upon the internet and all turned into bar stools except for two people, who proceeded to mate into the culture of the rest of Canada and the world and that is the story of my people.

Monday, April 9, 2012

Could it Be You're... Craving my McNuggies?

101 post. Cool story, no? Care for me to... tell it again? 

Gotta love it when your 100th post is a rant at people.
Humanity these days. Who do they think they are?

Why is this planet so flipping large?
I have a headache.
Turtles have diseases.
Moriarty has bug eyes.
Benedict Cumberpatch has the weirdest lips and he's attractive in an unattractive way
David Tennant can get in my bed I don't care if he's three times my age
I lied. I do care, but he's still sexy.
Easter is a weird word and I have no idea where it came from.
I enjoy drawing triforces.
Triforce is a strange word to pluralize.
My camera is brokeded.
My closet is messy again.
How did I get so much shit?
Mordecai is a nice name.
I don't like lipstick.
I hate my broken laundry basket
I think I might go make some tea.

And that was my brain over the past five minutes.
I hope you enjoyed it.

Tuesday, April 3, 2012

Decency Isn't Difficult

I honestly can not believe people. Did you just actually say someone dying wasn't important? How would you feel if that was your best friend? Your sibling? One of your parents?! You disgust me. Honestly. You don't make a JOKE out of someone getting murdered/killed/anything. FUCK! I work with a lady and her son was found dead today. Her son. You think this is funny? It's not! There are some things you just don't mock, and I know we're all guilty of going too far sometimes, but are you actually so daft that you can't grasp the gravity of the situation? For fucks sakes children! It happened yesterday! No- it doesn't even matter when it happened. You just don't do things like that. You don't. You learn how to be a decent human being and you move on with your life, and maybe, just maybe, think about someone other than yourself for once.

Ugh I know I said I wasn't going to swear anymore but I'm literally seething right now.

Monday, April 2, 2012

Just With You

I actually sort of enjoyed myself today. Although some people just honestly need to fuck off, and
a) Learn how to respect other peoples space,
b) Not get offended at the drop of a hat,
c) Grow up a bit.

Also I am so clueless. Clueless concerning many, many things. Mostly boys, but I highly doubt that's going to change any time soon. Ah well, I suppose I'm not exactly the easiest person to figure out all the time either.

Well, I guess here's a list of things I'm looking forward to, in order from most words to least:

- Going to sleep (Seeing as apparently you like to frequent my dreams these days)
- Talking to that one random person, they're rather interesting and we're hilarious
- Working and getting money again (Though I did just find an old $300 check)
- Possibly buying things with newly found money
- All the new bands I just found to listen to
- Making cupcakes again
- Trying new art things
- Walking more often
- The rain
- Spring

"Y u so insecure?"
"I'm not. Just with you."

Defenestrate - To throw out of a window

Sunday, April 1, 2012

I'll Suspend YOUR Thread

Sometimes I feel bad because all I post about these days are things with little or no context so most of you probably have no idea what I'm even talking about BUT THEN I realize that's okay and if you hate reading my posts so much you're really not obliged to in the least. Regardless, I even annoy myself sometimes with all my teenagery blather. That being said, hello, and good day to you all. Today is April le first. Apparently this is a day when we all go about being incredible tricksters with the most CUNNING plans and deviations up our sneaky little sleeves. Some say it only lasts until noon, and if that's true, than I was safe in the clutches of slumber. If not, then whoop de doo, pretty sure I'm staying at home alone all day and possibly drawing myself a bath anyways because I found these bath petal things and I am a fancy, fancy lady, and I have yet to try out the bathtub of this house. It seems quite nice, it has a slope for your back and it's pretty deep and everything! (Because I know how badly you wanted to know about my bathtub.) On another note, I really ought to work on swearing less. Not for the sake of other people because excuse me but I don't particularly give a pancake what you think of me, but for my own sake. It annoys me and I think it's moderately unnecessary and I could have better things to say. We shall see how that goes. I feel like myself today. It's not as common an occurrence as it used to be. Not when I'm alone, at least. BUT TODAY IS GOOD. Also the last day of Spring break. Oh goodness. Did I actually just get butterflies at the thought of seeing you? FOR ACTUAL, FEELINGS? WHAT IS WRONG WITH YOU? Le sigh. WELP not like I didn't make things awkward enough the other day. Heh. At least I was honest okay! Anyways, I am comfortably full of bacon, perogies, and assorted melons, so I shall be off to feed the fish, stoke the fire, and clean out my closet because apparently I seem to feel that shoving EVERYTHING I HAVE EVER OWNED in there is a good idea (It's really, really not).

Filipendulous - Suspended by a single thread