Monday, April 2, 2012

Just With You

I actually sort of enjoyed myself today. Although some people just honestly need to fuck off, and
a) Learn how to respect other peoples space,
b) Not get offended at the drop of a hat,
c) Grow up a bit.

Also I am so clueless. Clueless concerning many, many things. Mostly boys, but I highly doubt that's going to change any time soon. Ah well, I suppose I'm not exactly the easiest person to figure out all the time either.

Well, I guess here's a list of things I'm looking forward to, in order from most words to least:

- Going to sleep (Seeing as apparently you like to frequent my dreams these days)
- Talking to that one random person, they're rather interesting and we're hilarious
- Working and getting money again (Though I did just find an old $300 check)
- Possibly buying things with newly found money
- All the new bands I just found to listen to
- Making cupcakes again
- Trying new art things
- Walking more often
- The rain
- Spring

"Y u so insecure?"
"I'm not. Just with you."

Defenestrate - To throw out of a window

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