Monday, April 9, 2012

Could it Be You're... Craving my McNuggies?

101 post. Cool story, no? Care for me to... tell it again? 

Gotta love it when your 100th post is a rant at people.
Humanity these days. Who do they think they are?

Why is this planet so flipping large?
I have a headache.
Turtles have diseases.
Moriarty has bug eyes.
Benedict Cumberpatch has the weirdest lips and he's attractive in an unattractive way
David Tennant can get in my bed I don't care if he's three times my age
I lied. I do care, but he's still sexy.
Easter is a weird word and I have no idea where it came from.
I enjoy drawing triforces.
Triforce is a strange word to pluralize.
My camera is brokeded.
My closet is messy again.
How did I get so much shit?
Mordecai is a nice name.
I don't like lipstick.
I hate my broken laundry basket
I think I might go make some tea.

And that was my brain over the past five minutes.
I hope you enjoyed it.

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