Sunday, April 1, 2012

I'll Suspend YOUR Thread

Sometimes I feel bad because all I post about these days are things with little or no context so most of you probably have no idea what I'm even talking about BUT THEN I realize that's okay and if you hate reading my posts so much you're really not obliged to in the least. Regardless, I even annoy myself sometimes with all my teenagery blather. That being said, hello, and good day to you all. Today is April le first. Apparently this is a day when we all go about being incredible tricksters with the most CUNNING plans and deviations up our sneaky little sleeves. Some say it only lasts until noon, and if that's true, than I was safe in the clutches of slumber. If not, then whoop de doo, pretty sure I'm staying at home alone all day and possibly drawing myself a bath anyways because I found these bath petal things and I am a fancy, fancy lady, and I have yet to try out the bathtub of this house. It seems quite nice, it has a slope for your back and it's pretty deep and everything! (Because I know how badly you wanted to know about my bathtub.) On another note, I really ought to work on swearing less. Not for the sake of other people because excuse me but I don't particularly give a pancake what you think of me, but for my own sake. It annoys me and I think it's moderately unnecessary and I could have better things to say. We shall see how that goes. I feel like myself today. It's not as common an occurrence as it used to be. Not when I'm alone, at least. BUT TODAY IS GOOD. Also the last day of Spring break. Oh goodness. Did I actually just get butterflies at the thought of seeing you? FOR ACTUAL, FEELINGS? WHAT IS WRONG WITH YOU? Le sigh. WELP not like I didn't make things awkward enough the other day. Heh. At least I was honest okay! Anyways, I am comfortably full of bacon, perogies, and assorted melons, so I shall be off to feed the fish, stoke the fire, and clean out my closet because apparently I seem to feel that shoving EVERYTHING I HAVE EVER OWNED in there is a good idea (It's really, really not).

Filipendulous - Suspended by a single thread

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