Tuesday, April 3, 2012

Decency Isn't Difficult

I honestly can not believe people. Did you just actually say someone dying wasn't important? How would you feel if that was your best friend? Your sibling? One of your parents?! You disgust me. Honestly. You don't make a JOKE out of someone getting murdered/killed/anything. FUCK! I work with a lady and her son was found dead today. Her son. You think this is funny? It's not! There are some things you just don't mock, and I know we're all guilty of going too far sometimes, but are you actually so daft that you can't grasp the gravity of the situation? For fucks sakes children! It happened yesterday! No- it doesn't even matter when it happened. You just don't do things like that. You don't. You learn how to be a decent human being and you move on with your life, and maybe, just maybe, think about someone other than yourself for once.

Ugh I know I said I wasn't going to swear anymore but I'm literally seething right now.

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