Wednesday, December 4, 2013

Orange is my Least Favourite Colour

Oh I do wish I didn't see that.

Often, I think life would be simpler if I were a less passionate person. Maybe it would be easier to deal with things, maybe they wouldn't bother me so much. Maybe all the stupid meaningless things that upset me wouldn't matter any more. I suppose it's possible for me to just not let them bother me regardless... Not that I haven't tried that, of course. At the same time however, being a passionate person defines so many other parts of my life that I guess there has to be some things I dislike about it just to balance everything out. I just wish the bad things wouldn't make me feel like a crazy person. It's not that I'm stupid enough to act on anything, I just get upset I suppose, and without good reason. It'd be easy enough to fix that, but that's the part I can't quite do on my own, and the few people able to fix it never quite know how, or realize anything needs to be done at all. Not that I'm blaming them, of course, because that would be a very ridiculous thing to do and it's not really anything terribly important anyway. I don't quite know what I'm going on about here and I seem to have failed quite completely at explaining it, but oh well. Have a blog post. Merry Wednesday.

Sunday, November 17, 2013

Cherribly Strange

I have very mixed feelings about cherries.

I love fresh cherries and cherry pie.
Frozen cherries are usually gross.
Cherry flavoured things, like candies, cakes, chapstick and the like are also usually gross.
Aaand maraschino cherries are pretty nasty.

Cherries, man. 

They're a weird flavour.

Saturday, November 16, 2013

Wish You'd be Bothered

Taking four hour naps in the middle of the day fucks me up.
Not even physically really, just how I think about things.
Probably physically as well. 

I feel like I'm going to throw up collectively through my heart and my brain. And also how people normally throw up.


Saturday, November 9, 2013

I am a Grateful Grapefruit

     Sometimes I just think about my life and think about all the things I wish were different, and then I take a minute and realize how lovely it actually is, and I think about all the things I don't appreciate nearly as much as I ought to.

     Also a thing that confuses me is why so many people post like, 6 things a day from reddit or whatever on their facebook. I'm pretty sure most of the people actually interested in your nerdy comedic pictures know where to go to look at the pictures and have probably already seen them. I don't know. It seems obnoxious. Pretty much the only thing keeping me from deleting my facebook right now is the fact that people post answers and helpful stuff for my physics class there. Which is surprisingly useful, so I guess I'll just keep on having facebook. You'd think I'd have the willpower to just not use facebook apart from that, but I really, really don't. Oh well.

     I remember when I was younger, after dinner my parents would go to the living room with coffee or tea or wine and just sit together and listen to classical music and talk about things.

I always liked that.

Thursday, September 26, 2013

Have I Ever Even Tried Chipotle?

So hey guys life's pretty good and stuff. Actually though!

I found out I got an entrance scholarship for $1,250 from U of C, so put together with the other ones I got from DTSS I pretty much don't have to pay for school this year. Haven't completely done the math yet, so I could be home free. Either way it's pretty awesome. Not sure who reads this blog that lives in invermere still, but I won't be home for thanksgiving. I also have a physics midterm on my birthday so that's really nice (yes, that statement is dripping with sarcasm).

I've been having really weird dreams lately and, on a (probably) unrelated note, too many assignments due like every dayyyy. Webassign can suck my dick. Lyrix can suck my dick, and 'Pearson'whateverthefuckmycalculusclassusestosubmitassignmentsiscalled can also suck my dick.

Apart from that though, it's nice. I finally got my bed moved into my room and have a desk in there, so I have somewhere to do my work with music and space and stuff, which is really awesome, plus it reminds me a lot of my room at home now, which is kinda nice.

And as a final goodbye (for this post, at least), let me tell you that I just ate the best fucking sandwich of my life. Because I did, and it was beautiful.

Monday, September 16, 2013

Ain't Too Proud to Plead, Baby Baby.

       Well. It has certainly been an interesting past few weeks.
So, in my last post I mentioned not knowing what my future held. In the long run, I certainly still have no idea, but what I was worried about seems to have sorted itself out in a rather interesting manner.

        U of C informed me that they had no room for me in their science program. Which, yes, rather sucked. But then I had the chance to go to Europe, so that was certainly an exciting prospect. Theeeen, the Friday before classes were due to start, I got an email while at work that informed me I had been accepted after all.

        "We have recently become aware of inconsistencies in the University admission processes which initially led to us denying your application.  I would like to sincerely apologize for this situation, as I am sure this has adversely affected you.  After further review and reassessment, I am very pleased to be able to now offer you admission to the Faculty of Science with a major in Astrophysics"

       So the next day at 3:00 pm I had moved out of my lovely house on Columbia Lake and began the drive to my new home in Calgary, and was attending class on Monday. So that's where I've been this week! I must say, I think I rather like it so far.

Anyway. Yeah, that's life so far. It's pretty cool I guess, only gotten myself lost about 12 times on campus, but it could definitely be worse!

Tuesday, August 20, 2013

Won't Go Nowhere

My life right now is strange.

      I want some kind of structure, some solid fact or event I can base my future off but (thus far at least) nothing seems to be there. I still haven't found out whether or not I'm even accepted into university and I straight up have no idea what I'm going to do if I don't get in.

     Suppose I'd like to go to Europe, but fat chance of that happening. Of course, I'd rather be going to university but I just have this sinking feeling it's not going to work; either they won't have room or I just won't get in or.. something stupid.

I just want things to be radically different... but normal.

Sunday, May 12, 2013

Don't Let Me Fuck This Up, Guys

I don't think that was a stupid decision.
 It was less of a stupid decision than others I've made I'm sure?
Whatevs yo'.
Ugh my taste-buds are mutinying. Why do they hate me so?
Seriously taste-buds. Stahp.

Okay guys.

Two weeks.

I'm going to cry.

Guess I better go work on my lines.

Tuesday, May 7, 2013

This Title Bar is Wider than Usual I think? Weird.

So life is interesting. Being a person is weird. I have no idea where I'm going with this.

Anyways, I'm rather enjoying living in my house alone. I haven't really done anything, but it's nice regardless! I'm pretty bad at remembering to put my laundry in the dryer though. I'm working on it however.  

This lovely weather is also pretty fucking awesome. Although I must say I am pretty much scared shitless about the play and lines and blocking and painting and just yeah the play. There's three weeks still but I mean... shit. I am afraid. Which I guess is a good thing because it'll make me work hard to get it all done, but I have all of these other things to do too and just blargharghargh. 

Anyways I'll probably write some ramblings on here again soon if I remember. 

Tuesday, April 23, 2013

Funny How Things That Matter so Much Change so Easy

I wrote a poem just now.


What am I doing.
      What are these feeeeeeels


Isn't it just beautiful?
Honestly it's pretty accurate to what's going through my brain recently.
At least physics isn't raping me like it was yesterday.
Not being physics-raped is always fun, right?
(The answer is yes)


This is good. I get to be not in invermere, chill with my cousin, and dress like a disguised princess.
Fuck yes.
Also I'm getting a ride to Calgary with Mr. Sherk and his brother. Which should be interesting?
Then Monday my parents are leaving me for like, 2+ weeks to go to Pheonix, and a majority of the time Ill be home alone so that should be nice so long as I don't do something stupid. I guess that kind of applies to everything though.

Wednesday, April 3, 2013

"I'm a Psycho Baby" Versus "I'm a Psycho, Baby."

And we're all happy. Except for how we're not I guess.

Ah. Well. Where am I going with this ramble. It's strange. I think that yeah, happiness is a choice, but at the same time it's completely not, as emotions layer on top if each other and things get out of hand. I think happiness has the potential to be a choice, but you still have to work for it, and yeah things aren't going to be awesome all the time, or maybe even any of the time for a while. But I guess that's just how it is or something. Looking at it that way makes sense for me, at least. There's always at least one thing that probably doesn't suck.

The mosquito and/or spider bites on my legs are causing me to go insane, however.

Anyways, I feel enlightened on the minuscule scale this evening.

-It's Something!-

... But seriously guys, I'm a psycho baby.

Sunday, March 31, 2013

Woah There

Alright just a one sentence post this time I promise because okay guys it's two in the morning and I don't know why I'm writing on my blog and not in my bed and why do I always get super hungry right before bedtime oh wait maybe it's because I'm always hungry ahhg my room is a complete disaster maybe I'll get up earlier tomorrow to fix it before going snowboarding which could potentially be fun if everyone doesn't ditch me again but hey oh well I guess it wasn't so bad going by myself and wow I'm lonely and fuck you Micah just kidding I love you come back please or you know whatever like that's ever going to happen and holy SHIT how do I let my room get this messy honestly I can barely walk on the floor and wow I should really work on my relationships with people except for the whole part with how I don't really give a fuck because I'm leaving anyways and I'm back at work I guess which is niceish because I made a bunch of moneys which I probably need and also finally did scholarship stuff like two days before the final deadline so yeah I probably don't even deserve any but whatever give me money and yep I don't really have anything else to say except we fucking got fruitopia on tap at work and it's OFF THE WAAAALLLL yeah it's tasty have a good day WHAT THE FUCK AM I DOING GOODNIGHT

Sunday, March 17, 2013

I'm Taking An Emotional Shit.

So I'm heading off to Calgary for a week-ish.
I think it'll be good for me. I think it'll be good to be away from everything, from everyone. I won't have to sit at home alone thinking of stupid things and... yeah hopefully I'm just going to stop thinking about all the shitty stuff I find myself thinking about all the time. I just need less time to myself to be miserable I think. It's like.. I want to be around people I enjoy being around (as most people do) but.. I just don't enjoy anyone I guess? And I like being by myself, but I'm lonely or something too. I need interaction but I don't want it. Well I do, but it's all complicated and boring and babooooons.


1) Fuck you.
2) You are annoying as fuck.
3) You Can Piss Right Off Good Sir.
5) You can remove yourself from my brain.
6) I'm glad you're a person.
7) Fucking pull yourself together. Seriously.
8) You have no idea what the fuck you're talking about.
9) Thank you for existing and sorry I suck.
10) You have not changed a bit. Except now you're hotter I guess?

Wednesday, March 13, 2013

I Miss You Like Dentist Appointments

I go a bit crazy when I realize it has been over eight months since I've seen you. That is... kind of a really long time. In fact, one would think that over such a large period of time it would be easy to remove a person from one's daily thoughts. One would think.

The sad, sad, stupid truth is, however, that getting you out of my head seems to be impossible.
Even my subconscious is screwing with me, randomly placing you in my dreams only for me to wake up bitter and disappointed.

I wish I had the last day of last school year to do over.

On the plus side, I've finally retained the knowledge of how to tie a tie nicely.

Wednesday, February 20, 2013

Change it All but Can't Change What We've Been


I physically tried to, several times actually.
But I can't.
It's just not happening.
On the plus side, it's a damn good song to do calculations to.

Monday, February 11, 2013







          I just don't even know what to write anymore. You know that picture of the giant squid and the sperm whale all intertwined in their super hardcore battle? Maybe you don't let me see if I can find it... close enough. Anyways, that's what my insides feel like. Only my heart is the squid and my brain is the whale. Or maybe the other way around. I don't know. Mother fucking feels. I hate so many things sometimes. I hate being weak and I hate people and I hate you and I hate my laziness and I hate having to be nice and having to have emotions like this and I hate happiness that isn't mine because I'm stupid and jealous of things that I don't even want?? I guess I just don't want other people to have them? Honestly, what the actual fuck. I'm supposed to be a good person. People think I'm a good person, but I'm kind of just not I suppose? I try to be sometimes but it's too much fucking work and I don't know how the hell I'm going to keep up with school and everything now and not just peace out to the middle of nowhere forever. Why the fuck can't I just turn off my damn emotions! Maybe I'll pay someone money to eradicate my emotions for a few months via hypnosis or some shit. I'm honestly totally cool with just existing and studying all the time and having no social life so long as I don't have any emotions. HOLY SHIT GUYS THIS IS THE PERFECT SOLUTION. The sad part is I'm not even joking. If I could do that right now I actually would. I'd get shit done. Who the fuck cares if I have no friends or romantic life (not that I've fucking got much of one as it is) until July? Sounds pretty awesome if it'd get me through these next few months. Ugh just let me be a temporary robot please. That's all I want. Just for a while... 

I really fucking hope life isn't like this all the time. 

Tuesday, February 5, 2013

Potresti aiutarmi?

I just don't give a shit, and not in a good way.


                                                                                         ... I'm such a chump. 

Monday, February 4, 2013

Nail Hanging Mania

Welcome to the semester of hell.

Sorry to those of you around me who see me often. Heh. I'll attempt to refrain from complaining for the most part.

I have a job offer which essentially is going to let me design and paint signs and things for like, 15 dollars an hour. Which, don't get me wrong; I'd love to do, but I really don't know if I can make time for it. Especially considering having theatre in the second half of the year, and my course load... I don't know. I need to think about it. I have a meeting on Thursday so I guess I'll work things out better then.

Speaking of classes, I've gotten my marks back so far and I'm at about an 84-87% average, which is definitely relieving. Thank god for English... anyways, I just need to keep that above 81% this semester, which hopefully is not too great a challenge. It could be. But I guess I'll just have to put in the time and effort... *shudder*. Wish me luck.


Monday, January 21, 2013

Here We Are

It's all decidedly fearfully terribly notoriously destructive, isn't it?

Sunday, January 20, 2013

Go Today

Life is frightening. But exciting I guess.
Thinking of what I have the potential to be doing in ten years...
I just wish I was better at motivating myself to do work.
I enjoy myself more when I'm productive so I don't know why I'm so lazy about it.
I always tell myself I will be... next week.
Or that next semester, I'll really crack down.
And I mean, I'm hoping I do! I really am. I just wish I wasn't so addicted to the internet and drawing and.. well pretty much just procrastinating in general.
I actually really enjoy doing physics and math things most of the time, unless of course I get frustrated...
I just wish I had more time to do lazy things aaand math-y things. Ah well.

As for other things going on in my life, I'm not really sure what to talk about. It's frustrating and confusing and odd as I suppose anyone's is. I ought to tidy up my room again, as usual. Sooon.

Moving on, I wonder why it is that I don't like female vocalists.
I don't hate them or anything, I just... don't really listen to them. 98% of the music I have has either male vocalists or no vocals at all.

My hair is spikey again. I cut it shorter than I meant to but fuck it. I don't have anyone to impress anyways, and I like having it spiked. I'll admit sometimes the looks people in my grade give me irk me sometimes, but I can certainly deal. I'm motha fuckin pretty anyways. Jerks.

Also I drew this thing today. I like it.

Ailurophile - A cat-lover

Thursday, January 3, 2013

Associations and Suggestions

           So my life has been oddly... social lately? If that's what you'd call it. Apart from the multiple hours spent alone in my room watching community, that is. Haven't blogged in a while either, so here's the obligatory "sorry , dearest people who read this blog" mention thingy.

           The holidays have been spent... mildly unexpectedly. I don't really know where I'm going with this and I don't really feel like delving into details here either. So... Enjoy my toootally mysterious out of context references to things!

           On another note, I really just can not stand some people. Mostly stupid people. Or people who are decently intelligent but simply must be smarter than everyone around them. Life may seem like a contest to you, but it really, really isn't. I mean, we've all been guilty of trying to look good at one point or another, but seriously... please keep it in your pants (yes, I am still referring to those out-smarterism type people and their unsightly mannerisms).

           Sometimes I just lay around thinking about how freaking crazy-weird-excellent the English language is. Or any language, really. The fact that we can look at little symbols and know what they sound like and what they mean, or hear noises and know what they mean and what they look like simply by listening. That we can string little things together into larger trains and make them work together differently than they would in other combinations or even independently is indubitably awesome . The fact that there is a single train or string of these trains to accurately describe nearly everything on the planet and off of it in a manner so precise that one is able to mold a picture in their minds simply from the noises of another human being or little symbols on a page is absolutely, mindbogglingly awesome. And there's not just one word for each thing, either! There's an entire plethora of delicious words each with their own connotations and denotations, associations and suggestions. In fact, there are so many words that it would appear to be quite impossible to know them all, but... that's almost the beauty of it all. Anyways, just a thought of mine.